This assignment is due Thursday, Jan 16 at 11PM.


The main goal of this course is to carry out a novel analysis research project in small groups. This assignment will be to form the groups. In particular, you will:

  1. Form groups
  2. Set up a project repository
  3. Add the paper template to the repository


1. Group Formation

There should be eight groups total, with sizes 4-6 people. You are free to divide into groups however you please. Keep in mind that the final project has many different pieces and that your group will decide how to divide the labor. So it can be beneficial to have people with complementary skill sets or desires to learn different tools. Tasks involved in the final project include:

  • Experimental design
  • Data discovery / processing / generation
  • Implementation of probe task / training
  • Experiment running / data analysis
  • Paper writing
  • Speaking (two presentations)

Please enter your groups in this document.

2. Set up a project repository

You must set up a repository for your group. I recommend a private repository on a platform like GitHub or GitLab. Each member of your group should have an account on the service with access to the repository.

3. Add paper template

Your final paper will be in the format of an ACL conference submission. Because of that, you should immediately add the templates to your repository.

I strongly encourage (but do not require) you to use LaTeX for your final paper. Most scientific writing uses LaTeX, so it's a good skill to acquire if you have not already.


Each of you must, on Canvas, upload a file readme.pdf, containing:
  • your group number, as reflected in the spreadsheet above
  • a screenshot of your repository showing the ACL template in it